Boosting Your Immune System Naturally


Today more than ever it is important to keep your immune system in tip-top shape. Spending time with family and friends means so much to us all, and we need to be healthy enough to do it. There are many things we can do ourselves to boost our immune system naturally and many of them are even enjoyable.

In this article, we take a look at five of the best and simplest ways that you can take a more natural approach to boost your immune system.


Did you know that while working out, your white blood cells change? This allows them to travel through the bloodstream more quickly and helps them attack illness and invaders sooner.

For those looking for a new approach to comfortable and low-impact exercise, a swim spa might be the ideal solution. At National Pools & Spas, we carry a wide selection of ATV Swim Spas for sale. Combining a great workout even while you relax. Our swim spas are perfect for a heated water-resistant run or sitting and soaking while muscle training those biceps.

Not a fan of the heat? Take some calorie-burning laps in one of our industry-leading swimming pools. We have a wide range of pools to satisfy your need to work out, cool down, or spend time with family participating in fun activities that keep your heart pumping!

Getting Enough Sleep

Getting your recommended 7-8 hours every night is very important for your immunity. Many doctors agree, a warm soak right before bed can help relax your body and mind to help you get a good night’s sleep. We suggest creating a relaxing bedtime routine to help prepare your body for a full night of rest. Your bedtime routine could include:

  • Essential oil aromatherapy
  • Soaking in the hot tub or swim spa
  • Having a bath or shower
  • Tending to a skincare routine
  • Reading a book or listening to music
  • Tucking mobile devices away
  • Wearing comfortable pajamas

Once you have found a bedtime routine that works for you, do your best to stay committed to it!

Eating Right

Eating a healthy well-balanced diet can also boost your immune system. This is because vegetables and fruits are full of necessary vitamins and nutrients that will build up your immunity. A balanced diet consisting of all the major food groups, focusing on fruit and vegetables, can make your body feel great and keep it that way!

Heat Therapy

Soaking in hot water will safely and gradually elevate your body temperature. This can trick your body into thinking you have a fever, and it will start to fight off infection, which strengthens your immune system in the process.

Along with a boost in immunity, one of our top-quality hot tubs or swim spas can bring a number of improvements to your health and overall lifestyle. In fact, some of these health benefits can help to keep your immune system in tip-top shape, so you can enjoy a well-rounded, healthy lifestyle.

  • Reduced feelings of stress
  • Eased aches and pains
  • Better post-injury recovery
  • Improved sleep patterns
  • Regular exercise and stretching

Eliminate Stress

Stress can affect all aspects of our lives, including lowering our immune system function. The less stress you are managing, the better your body can focus attention on your immunity and keeping you healthy. Here are some lifestyle changes that you can make to ease your stress:

  • Determine where your stress is coming from
  • Create a plan or set goals to help alleviate stress
  • Find new ways to relax and make time for yourself
  • Connect with loved ones, even over the phone or virtually
  • Spend more time outside
  • Create time for healthy eating and physical activity

Spending as little as 20 minutes inside your hot tub, swim spa, or swimming pool regularly can help to immeasurably eliminate or manage your stress.

National Pools & Spas

For help living a healthier lifestyle, consult our experts at National Pools & Spas today. We have a wide selection of luxury products dedicated to health and wellness, including but not limited to:

To get started, contact one of our three New Jersey showrooms today – we are proudly established in Robbinsville, Hillsborough, and Lawrenceville.


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